Tag: Kabul

President Biden Honors American Troops Killed in Afghanistan

President Biden Honors American Troops Killed in Afghanistan

On Sunday the remains of the 13 U.S soldiers, who were tragically killed in the suicide attack in Kabul, arrived back in the states for burial. The Dover Airforce Base in Dover, Delaware was abundant in commemerance as fellow service members, government officials, and loved ones honored each soldier as they were delicately being carried across the tarmac.

President Biden Vows To Uphold Evacuation Plan Following Kabul Attack

President Biden Vows To Uphold Evacuation Plan Following Kabul Attack

On Thursday, Biden took to his podium and vowed to return the American citizens and troops to the states following the most recent attack in Kabul. “We will not be deterred by terrorists. We will not let them stop our mission. We will continue the evacuation.” Biden announced in an address to the nation from the White House.

Explosion Outside of Kabul Airport in Afghanistan

Explosion Outside of Kabul Airport in Afghanistan

Earlier this morning, the Pentagon’s press secretary, John Kirby, confirmed through his Twitter account that two explosions took place in Afghanistan, one near the Abbey gate of the Kabul airport and one at the nearby Baron Hotel. The number of casualties was previously unknown, but Taliban sources reported to NBC News that the explosions were suicide attacks, and at least thirteen people, including children, were killed.

Chaos Ensues in Kabul Airport as Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan

Chaos Ensues in Kabul Airport as Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan

U.S. officials say that at least seven people died on Monday at Kabul’s international airport as thousands of Afghans rushed onto its tarmac desperately trying to escape the Taliban’s takeover.

They we so desperate to escape that some held onto an American jet as it was taking off, leading them to fall to their deaths.

US Sends in Troops to Afghanistan to Speed Up Evacuations

US Sends in Troops to Afghanistan to Speed Up Evacuations

On Friday, 3,000 U.S. troops were rushing to Kabul in a temporary deployment to help speed up evacuation flights for American diplomats and the thousands of Afghans living in the country’s capital city. This is because of Taliban being aggressively on the offensive, taking over much of the country and potentially isolating Kabul.

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