Tag: Research

Op-ed: How the Music Industry Affects Climate Change

Op-ed: How the Music Industry Affects Climate Change

We keep hearing the phrase, “Eventually, humans will go extinct,” and immediately blame all the things we have been told are affecting our planet. Lack of recycling, non-eco-friendly cars, continuous contamination, cutting down trees, burning forests, etc. We do this because they are easy things to blame as opposed to the music industry, books, and fast-fashion practitioner companies like Shein, Forever 21, or Zara.

Elon Musk’s Medical Firm Neuralink is Accused of 1,500 Animals’ Needless Deaths

Elon Musk’s Medical Firm Neuralink is Accused of 1,500 Animals’ Needless Deaths

Elon Musk is in the spotlight again. It seems that when the SpaceX CEO is not firing thousands of employees without notice or reinstating former president Donald Trumps Twitter account, he likes to keep himself busy with the killings of over one thousand animals—for science.

Depression Is Not Caused by Chemical Imbalance in the Brain

Depression Is Not Caused by Chemical Imbalance in the Brain

Upon analyzing 17 previous studies on the subject of depression, scientists have concluded that there might be no link between depression and lower levels of serotonin in the brain. The authors of the review also said that these findings could refute not only theories connecting depression to a chemical imbalance but also the effectiveness of prescribing antidepressants that target serotonin. Decades ago, the serotonin hypothesis proposed that depression and a chemical imbalance in the brain—including a deficiency of serotonin—could be closely related. Therefore, the most commonly prescribed antidepressants are those formulated to make serotonin more available in the brain by blocking its reabsorption into the neurons. These are the antidepressants known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Research Finds That Social Stress Can
Speed Up Immune System Aging

Research Finds That Social Stress Can
Speed Up Immune System Aging

Everyone knows that as people age, their immune systems naturally begin to decline. It’s part of the ‘aging process.’ The aging of the immune system is called immunosenescence, and is one of the main causes for age-related health problems such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. Not all immune systems age the same though, and new research shows that social stress is associated with signs of accelerated immune system aging.

Op-Ed: Why You Should Read Every Day

Op-Ed: Why You Should Read Every Day

In an age where we are so preoccupied with social media and the internet, it’s common to hear someone say that they don’t like to read; but reading used to be a daily ritual for those who wanted the gain knowledge, improve their memory, and broaden their vocabulary. With multiple forms of communication and information available at our fingertips, it’s important not to lose touch with the practice of daily reading. While some people are often too busy to read, some don’t care to read at all.

Researches Use Ancient Teeth to Reveal Origins of Black Death

Researches Use Ancient Teeth to Reveal Origins of Black Death

A team of researchers from Scotland and Germany has used ancient teeth to discover what they believe are the origins of the Black Death, one of the most significant episodes of disease in human history. Despite years of research into the bubonic plague, scientists have been unable to determine where the disease began. However, this new research suggests that it began in what is now Kyrgyzstan in the 1330s. 

Japanese Scientists Develop Edible Cement

Japanese Scientists Develop Edible Cement

While the purpose is not snacking on this cement in the middle of a construction project, scientists in Japan have developed a method for turning food waste into building material. This is the first time that cement has been created entirely from leftover food, and scientists hope that it could solve several issues from food waste to global warming.

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