Month: April 2023

Roy White… Compton to the Bronx…

Roy White… Compton to the Bronx…

When the New York Yankees were so bad in the late 60s and early 70s a young Roy White was so damn good. He almost single-handedly kept the Yankees machine going until Bobby Murcer and Thurman Munson were ready to help make the Bronx Bombers true contenders again. Roy White use to play left field […]

Judge hooks up rookie Volpe just like Reggie hooked up Batboy me!

Judge hooks up rookie Volpe just like Reggie hooked up Batboy me!

Aaron Judge is definitely a great Yankee player and a classy person. This week when Judge found out that rookie shortstop Anthony Volpe was going shopping at the popular midtown clothing store ZOHREH for clothes for the road this season he called ahead to store manager Sean and instructed him that Anthony Volpe was not […]

50 years ago Yanks celebrated the Stadium’s 50th and I would meet one of my heroes

50 years ago Yanks celebrated the Stadium’s 50th and I would meet one of my heroes

This is the 100th anniversary of the original Yankee Stadium. This week I got to educate hundreds of kids about so many of the great players that got to leave a mark at the stadium. Ruth, Gehrig, Dimaggio, Mantle, Yogi, Ford, Billy, Maris. For me as a kid, I adored Bobby Murcer and Thurman Munson […]

Brittney Griner Working on Memoir About Her Time in Russian Prison

Brittney Griner Working on Memoir About Her Time in Russian Prison

Basketball star Brittney Griner says she is working on her memoir detailing her experience of being arrested and incarcerated in Russia for drug charges. Griner was detained for ten months after Russian authorities said they found vape canisters containing cannabis oil in her luggage in Moscow at the Sheremetyevo Airport.

Happy birthday Original Yankee Stadium

Happy birthday Original Yankee Stadium

Someone once told me that when they built the new Yankee Stadium that the spirits crossed the street to the new home. A spiritual adviser from the Bronx neighborhood that the stadium’s sit on told me that the spirits were still on the old grounds. Well, I don’t know if this is true or not […]


This ache reverberates in my soul,Penetrating all the confidence I’ve built,Crushing all the parts that once made me feel whole. I’m not who you think I am— not anymore.Time has changed the way I think, who I am:The anger lodged inside slowly turns into a roar, Ripping through my very being.“This was not the life […]

How Libraries Have Changed Over the Years 

How Libraries Have Changed Over the Years 

For a long time, libraries were known to be for adults only, and kids were not to belong in libraries. Today, kids thrive in libraries with many groups, kid reading circles, a whole section dedicated to learning, and books of all fun. Alice in Wonderland, Diary of the Wimpy Kid, and Harry Potter are among the few that kids enjoy. Libraries today welcome the younger generation with warm, open arms; we wouldn’t want it any other way. I mean, Matilda wouldn’t have gotten her powers if it wasn’t for the public library.

Bestselling Books of 2023

Bestselling Books of 2023

And while every book reader has an individualized perspective on what makes a good book, sometimes there are books that appeal to the satisfaction of every type of reader. Getting into a reading with no idea what to expect can be a rush that most readers enjoy. However, every now and then, we get a craving for a book with already-established credibility. Let’s see what some of these books are this year.

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