I'm at a Crossroad

I’m at a crossroad
On the left side its past
On the right is the future
I’m walking on the present time
Looking to the left I see a wave of destruction
Due to my life of crime
Drugs, Jail, death ,the irony is I see the faces of friends of mines at the same time
For what we did in the past those faces are not here with me at the present
That’s what lead me to this crossroad
Standing at the present, I look back and these guys no longer WALK the earth, but they do FILL it
There worth, they will never fulfill it
We were just kids
Now I have kids, I can’t picture them doing what we did
I can’t picture watching them die, like some of our parents did
I’m at this crossroad looking to the right now, the future
For what I learned in the past, I bring forth to the present, what needs to be taught for the future
And that is… That there is one, and that we are not one of gods forgotten sons
Infinite the Poet 2011
Al Carrasco

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