Tag: reading

Online Platforms for Books: Reading Became Easier

Online Platforms for Books: Reading Became Easier

The internet is the ultimate resource for locating answers and items that we require. You don’t have to leave your house to get anything on your wish list, including books, movies, games, or audiobooks, because the vast majority of products are available from online stores.
The best part is that there is no need to wait for delivery. Most books have been digitized, which means you can start reading them in seconds. It’s simply a matter of locating the most convenient – and completely legal – online source of books to read.
The world’s most beloved classics are now available for free online. They are known as public domain books. They are free because their intellectual property rights have expired, and anyone is free to download, read, remix, and reshare them.
Project Gutenberg and the Internet Archive digitize public domain books and make them freely available through their online catalogs.
Here is a list of some of the best and latest reading platforms online.

Graphic Novels: A Gateway to Reading

Graphic Novels: A Gateway to Reading

In a society where we value the educated class, by giving those with better degrees higher salaries and more credibility, we are often too quick to sneer at the underappreciated gem that fuses art and literature, graphic novels. In our society we are taught to esteem ourselves on things like our grades, reading levels, advanced vocabularies, and overall intellect. We are told to read the classics and books that are on par with this standard, leaving comics and graphic novels to waste away with the picture books of our childhoods. After all, that’s all they are right? Picture books? Far too simplistic and remedial to have any real substance, right? Wrong.

Op-Ed: Why You Should Read Every Day

Op-Ed: Why You Should Read Every Day

In an age where we are so preoccupied with social media and the internet, it’s common to hear someone say that they don’t like to read; but reading used to be a daily ritual for those who wanted the gain knowledge, improve their memory, and broaden their vocabulary. With multiple forms of communication and information available at our fingertips, it’s important not to lose touch with the practice of daily reading. While some people are often too busy to read, some don’t care to read at all.

Amazon Prime Day Deals: Books You Must Buy

Amazon Prime Day Deals: Books You Must Buy

The day has come once again where your spending urges must be fulfilled because the deals are too good to pass up: Amazon Prime Day. The genius marketing of the Amazon team has already released a number of products set to go on super-sale starting July 12th, with some deals beginning in a few days on June 21st.

5 Best Books To Get You Out Of Your
Book Slump

5 Best Books To Get You Out Of Your
Book Slump

A book slump is when you can’t for the life of you pick up a book. You want to read, but when you try to, you just put the book down within the first 30 minutes. I hate being in a book slump, but I discovered that the best way to get out of it is by picking up an easy, fun, interesting read.

Op-Ed: A Used Bookstore May be the Answer to Your Reading Rut

Op-Ed: A Used Bookstore May be the Answer to Your Reading Rut

If you enjoy reading it can be difficult to decide what book to pick up next. Or Perhaps you’re trying to get into reading and don’t know where to start. Maybe you’re like me and nothing in the mountain of books on your shelf is quite appealing. Whatever the reason for your reading rut, you may find what you didn’t know you’re looking for at a used bookstore.

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