Tag: routine

3 Technology-Free Habits to Include in Your Daily Routine

3 Technology-Free Habits to Include in Your Daily Routine

Go on a walk- Yes, it’s actually time to touch some grass! Even if it’s for an hour or two, studies find that taking walks or simply being outside improves mental health, burns calories, and increases energy levels. With the workforce culture shifting to remote, it is essential that you are not spending your time indoors behind a computer all day, as it will eventually take a toll on you. Take your pet or a loved one with you to share this time with; you won’t regret it!

TikTok Approved Products to Upgrade your Beauty Routine

TikTok Approved Products to Upgrade your Beauty Routine

TikTok has majorly impacted the sales of beauty products. One short video can make any under-the-radar product or brand become popular overnight or sell out entirely. The great thing about TikTok is that creators are recommending alternative products that give the same results at affordable prices and are available at your local drugstore or Amazon. So, here’s a list of some of the affordable products from TikTok that’ll revamp your beauty routine.

A Guide to your Shower Care Routine

A Guide to your Shower Care Routine

Everybody talks about the importance of skincare; What’s the best cleanser for your skin type? What’s the best moisturizer for you face? But, what about shower care? Over the course of this summer, I realized the importance of having a shower care routine, and I began creating my own. While I am not a dermatology expert and may not know the actual benefits of having a shower care, I know it made me feel more confident in my skin and, weirdly enough, put me in a better mood.

Why it is Important to Exercise Even When your Body Hurts

Why it is Important to Exercise Even When your Body Hurts

There are different kinds of body soreness. It can happen after an intense workout, where you wake up to feel the pain from every muscle you worked out the day before. Body soreness can also come from inactivity. Joint pain and stiff muscles can appear when someone has been in bed or sitting for too long. Whatever the reason, it is still important to push through and try to move your body, or at least the body parts that are not in so much pain.

The Benefits of Journaling and How to Make it a Routine

The Benefits of Journaling and How to Make it a Routine

And no, I’m not only referring to the “dear diary” type of journaling. Unless that’s your jam, then by all means, go right ahead. The practice of journaling can include anything from a food journal, a fitness journal, a gratitude journal, a ‘mind dump’ journal, a memory journal, or even a simple to-do list.

Strength Training vs. HIIT – Which is Best for YOU?

Strength Training vs. HIIT – Which is Best for YOU?

When beginning a fitness routine, one of the most practical steps is deciphering the type of exercise that will maximize results for your body. While many will try to sell you their favorite exercise style, it is essential to honor your body and recognize that everyone’s experience will be slightly different.

The Importance of Developing a Morning Routine

The Importance of Developing a Morning Routine

Picture this: It’s 7AM when you wake up and check your phone. Your boss has requests, your mom sent you a Bible verse, your sister wants to know if you can watch her dog, and your grandpa got the Wordle in four tries. (Why is everyone up so early?) You go from a blissful dream, or maybe not so blissful, to having a full inbox and heightened cortisol when it is already biologically at its peak.

Some Practices That You Can Add to Your Morning Routines to Make Your Days Better

Some Practices That You Can Add to Your Morning Routines to Make Your Days Better

The way you start your morning, the way you start your day will help to determine how your day will end up going. It’s why we have sayings such as “someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” and “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

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