Tag: Students

Backpacks are banned in a Michigan School District

Backpacks are banned in a Michigan School District

The overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US has left people feeling on edge, specifically, with reason, schools. It is because of this that a Michigan school district has banned students from carrying backpacks. A conventional school material that has been used for ages and associated with the innocence of a learning child now has a dangerous connotation.

Thousands of Students Flood Tennessee Capitol in Protest of Gun Control

Thousands of Students Flood Tennessee Capitol in Protest of Gun Control

More than a thousand students in the Nashville area walked out of their schools on Monday and marched to the Tennessee Capitol to call for stronger gun laws. These protests are in response to the shooting that killed six people at Covenant Elementary School last week.

Digital vs. Hardcopy: Which is Better?

Digital vs. Hardcopy: Which is Better?

As a recent college graduate, this argument has always been on my mind since the pandemic a couple of years ago. Taking online classes introduced me to the convenience of having digital copies of textbooks instead of having to worry about physically going to a store and buying them or having to wait for them to ship to my house. There are so many options for purchasing digital copies, with some even being free pdf forms if you’re lucky.

Millions Of Student Debt Forgiveness Applicants Get False Good News Email

Millions Of Student Debt Forgiveness Applicants Get False Good News Email

According to reports, approximately 9 million applicants for President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program received emails erroneously stating that their requests for debt relief had been granted. The Department of Education forwarded emails last month with the wrong subject line informing recipients that their requests for debt relief had been approved. As the administration waits for the outcome of legal challenges, decisions on the applications have been put on hold. The email was accurate for the rest of it.

Ohio Teachers Go On Strike Days Before School Begins

Ohio Teachers Go On Strike Days Before School Begins

This morning in Columbus, Ohio, a mere two days before the beginning of the school year, thousands of teachers have gone on strike, which could possibly lead to virtual learning for students as September approaches. While the nationwide teacher shortage persists, with educators quitting due to low salaries and burnout following the pandemic, this Ohio protest concerns the rights of the students more than the teachers.

March For Our Lives Protest Across
The Country

March For Our Lives Protest Across
The Country

Thousands of demonstrators took the streets and protested against gun violence at the March for Our Lives events held across the country on Saturday, June 11. These protests come in the wake of multiple mass shootings that have happened across the country in the last year, including the tragic massacre in an Uvalde, Texas Elementary school, and in Buffalo, New York. Protesters have called for stricter gun laws, and carried signs with slogans such as “I want freedom from getting shot.”

Op-Ed: Why College Should Be Free For Students

Op-Ed: Why College Should Be Free For Students

The debate of free college has always been something that people across the United States talk about. Should students across the United States be able to further their education without having to worry about student debt? Or should people still have to pay for their college education? I was always on the outside of the debate, but now that I just finished my first year at college, I understand why college should be free.

Climate Activists Will Rally at White House

Climate Activists Will Rally at White House

Climate activists are coming together again to act on climate change at the White House and numerous large cities including Atlanta and Phoenix. Vincent Vertuccio organized many students across the United States for the “Fight for Our Future” rally. Their goal is to press on the government to cut pollution because it is affecting the planet in heating up temperatures more than ever.

Obama Visits Biden to Strengthen Affordable Care Act Plans

Obama Visits Biden to Strengthen Affordable Care Act Plans

“The Affordable Care Act is stronger than it’s ever been,” said President Biden at the White House. “And today, we’re strengthening it even further.” Former President Barack Obama paid a visit to the White House to support Biden on strengthening the Affordable Care Act for families across the United States. The change would come to effect as early as next year, affecting over 200,000 people who do not have enough finances to obtain their own health insurance.

Childcare is New York State’s Next Biggest Priority

Childcare is New York State’s Next Biggest Priority

Governor Kathy Hochul plans to increase state spending to $1.4 billion to support New Yorkers in childcare subsidies. This includes setting up day care centers in universities and additional support for working parents. Despite the actions gearing to support struggling parents, the Democratic Legislature felt that this was still not enough to support the entire New York State in childcare.

Unmasked: Getting NYC Back to Where it Was

Unmasked: Getting NYC Back to Where it Was

Is it the smell of fresh air or the stench of the underground sewers? Whatever it is, New York City has agreed to go maskless for public schools on Monday. Although the numbers of COVID-19 infected have significantly decreased across the United States, parents and children couldn’t help but feel that worry that there is another COVID-19 variant lurking in the city. Mayor Eric Adams said, “We did our jobs as New Yorkers, and now we’re winning. Covid is no longer in control of our lives. We are in control of our lives.”

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